

13 Uppsatser om Mechanized reconnaissance - Sida 1 av 1

Mekaniserad spaning i dag och i framtiden

Den mekaniserade bataljonens främsta sensor att samla in underlag till underrättelsesektionen är spaningsplutonen. Spaningsplutonen på mekbataljon har bytt organisation över åren och gått från att vara ett terrängbils eller bandvagnsburet förband till sin nuvarande form med stridsfordon 90. Men har förbandet använts på rätt sätt sedan det tillfördes stridsfordon? Hur bör framtidens chefer nyttja plutonen för att maximera effekten?Arbetet baseras på de reglementen som finns idag samt intervjuer med personal tillhörande spaningsplutonerna och bataljonsstaber. Utöver det kommer en jämförelse med US Army Armored Cavalry göras..

Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?

This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..

Vad orsakar skador på kvarstående träd vid mekaniserad gallring - en intervjustudie

This thesis includes a review of scientific studies of tree injuries following mechanized thinning. Interviews have been made with drivers of single grip harvesters and forwarders in forest thinning and a number of essential factors have been identified as the most important to take into account in order to minimize and/orprevent injuries to stems and roots of remaining trees..

Mekaniserad plantering med Eco-Planter i södra Sverige :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Södra Skogsägarna and the aim of the work was to investigate the economical and biological output after mechanical planting with Eco-Planter compared with traditional manual planting. Eco-Planter is a tool for mechanized planting, fixed at the end of the boom on a conventional harvester. The study confirms that manual planting is less expensive under normal conditions. However, the differences between mechanized and manual planting are not that big and with technical development and/or increased labor costs together with an improved work organization the system with Eco-Planter could be competitive. The biological output, e.g. planting result and survival rate, seems to be quite good.

Mekanisering av häststall

Mechanization of Swedish agriculture started in the beginning of the twentieth century, to be able to have more animals without raising the number of employers. The horse business has not by far kept up with these cost savings solutions. Cleaning out stables and feeding horses are the most time-consuming tasks in horse stables today. The most common way to clean out the stable is still by shovel and wheelbarrow. The clean out process can easily be mechanized through semi- permanently beds with movable walls between the boxes so that the litter can be removed by a tractor or a loader.

Quadrotor UAV : Konstruktion och användbarhetsstudie av en UAV i sensornätverk

Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.

En studie av sociala faktorer : Som kan medföra problem vid implementering av informationssystem

Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.

Detektering från prickskyttar från helikoptrar : elektrooptiska sensorer i VMS

Sverige är för tillfället operativa med Helikopter 16 - Black Hawk i Afghanistan. Uppgiften som löses i Afghanistan är främre och taktisk sjuktransport (MEDEVAC).Detta arbete handlar om hur befintliga VMS-system i helikoptrar kan kompletteras i syfte att möta ett föreliggande prickskyttehot vid lösande av främre MEDEVAC i ett insatsområde som miljömässigt liknar Afghanistan. I arbetet analyseras möjliga tekniker utifrån aspekter från ett konstruerat scenario där helikopterbesättningarnas uppgift, insatsmiljö samt hotbild beskrivs.Resultatet visar på att MEDEVAC-helikoptrar kan utrustas med sensor-gimbaler där olika sensorer kan kombineras, vilket möjliggör spaning i 360°. Detta bidrar till den militära nyttan då helikopterpersonalens lösande av uppgift effektiviseras, chansen till överlevnad ökar samtidigt som personal och patienter kan känna sig tryggare..

En simuleringsmiljö för distribuerad navigering

This master thesis studies distributed navigation which isa function implemented in a future network based combat information system to improve the accuracy in navigation for combat vehicles in a mechanized battalion, above all in the event of loss of GPS. In the event of loss of the GPS the vehicles obtain dead reckoning performance through the backup system that consists of an odometer and a magnetic compass. Dead reckoning means a drift in the position that makes the accuracy in the navigation worse. The distributed navigation function uses position and navigation data with measurements between the vehicles to estimate the errors and uncertainties in positions, which are used to improve the accuracy in position for the vehicles. To investigate and demonstrate distributed navigation, a simulation environment has been produced in Matlab.

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

Mekskytte i fredens tjänst : Svenskt mekskyttekompani i multidimensionell fredsbevarande operation

Mellan 2004 och 2006 deltog ett svenskt mekskyttekompani som en del i FN-insatsen i Liberia, UNMIL. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur det svenska kompaniet bidrog till uppfyllandet av den strategiska målbilden inom UNMIL 2004-2006 med hänsyn tagen till svenska direktiv, ordrar och incitament till att bidra till insatsen, samt att dra lärdomar utifrån detta. En fallstudie har använts för att studera verksamhet och erfarenheter från insatsen som sedan analyseras utifrån de olika mål och framgångsfaktorer som låg till grund för insatsen. Fallstudien baseras i huvudsak på slutrapporter från de svenska kontingenterna som verkade i UNMIL. Resultatet visar att det svenska kompaniet bidrog positivt till uppfyllnaden av UNMIL:s strategiska målbild och Regeringens incitament för deltagande men att brister fanns inom Försvarsmaktens direktiv, främst avseende interoperabilitet.

Kan inte alla samma språk? : Möjligheten till ett gemensamt GGIS på mekaniserade förband?

Försvarsmakten har under de senaste åren gått igenom radikala förändringar, som fortfarande inte är klara. Samtidigt som fokus ligger på personalförsörjning samt annat så går den teknologiska utvecklingen framåt. Jag vill med denna uppsats belysa vad ett gemensamt geografiskt informationssystem skulle kunna innebära för chefer på en lägre nivå inom mekaniserade bataljoner. Med denna uppsatts vill jag skapa förståelse utav gemensamma geografiska informationssystem och vilka möjligheter de skulle kunna bidra med. I uppsatsen tar jag reda på om systemen skulle kunna underlätta för chefer i sitt ledarskap på slagfälten, likväl vilka effekter det stridstekniskt skulle kunna bidra med.

Röjning på snö och röjning på barmark : effekter på produktivitet och kvarvarande bestånd

Approximately 4000-5000 hectares, of SCA´s forest land area in Västerbotten, are in need of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) every year. Within the management district, the areas annually treated with PCT must increase, in order to decrease the area with an urgent need for PCT. This can be done by employing more forest workers or entrepreneurs, by mechanized PCT or by an extended season for PCT. Positive experiences from a private forest owner, who started to carry out PCT when the first snow came and then continued for several months, gave an idea to investigate the possibilities to prolong the season of PCT. The purpose of this experiment was to compare PCT carried out when there was snow on the ground with PCT performed when there was no snow on the ground.